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Sanduhr 15 Minutes - 15 Minuten für das was wirklich zählt...

CHF 26,80

In our time-pressed and information-rich world, it can be a challenge to find a moment for ourselves. Our lives are so busy and frenetic; we are always forgetting to make time for what really matters.


How to Use This Hourglass Sand Timer

You might…

  • Keep the sand timer on your desk or a shelf in the kitchen.
  • Set aside 15 minutes to weigh the pros and cons of a decision, to talk to someone you love or to carry out an activity you care about – but so rarely remember to give time to.
  • Give the timer to a friend who’s complained about the lack of hours in a day.

 The subtle grey colour and clear graphics make this product both call attention to itself and step back when not needed. The tiny ‘15’ on the glass is a subtle reminder as to its purpose: to allocate a bit of time to the things that give our lives their meaning.

Glass timer | instruction booklet and box |13 x 5.5 cm

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